Assessment of Trade-Related Skills and Experience

Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying

You’ve chosen Category B as you are based in New Zealand, and you want your trade-related skills and experience assessed.

What evidence do I need to supply?

Compulsory – you must provide the following 3 pieces of evidence:

1. Evidence of seven years working in New Zealand full time in plumbing/gasfitting/drainlaying in the form of letters from current and/or past employer(s).

  • Letters should specify exact dates of employment with each employer (dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy).
  • List details of the plumbing/gasfitting/drainlaying work you have carried out with that employer.
  • Any letters must be on letterhead, dated and signed by the author.

2. Copies of certificates from any other relevant Health & Safety training courses attended, e.g. General Health and Safety, First Aid, Height Safety.

  • For plumbing and gasfitting the minimum certification is first aid and site safe training.
  • For drainlaying the minimum certification is first aid, site safe and confined spaces training.
  • Certified copies of other relevant training, e.g. specialised training or courses such as: Asbestos, Solar Heating, supplier training etc.

3. Other – you must provide further evidence in the form of a portfolio of evidence to show you meet the competencies required.

We generally expect no more than 30 documents, and your concentration should be on quality rather than quantity. If you have trouble uploading all your evidence, it may be because of the file size. Don’t worry we can accept more documents once we have your application.

Examples of the type of other evidence to supply:

  • A copy of your trade license card, current or expired.
  • BCA inspector site inspection paperwork or testimonials from Council inspectors.
  • Photographic or video evidence showing range and types of work undertaken.
  • Job cards verified by a supervisor.
  • Certified copies of invoices, tax records, contracts, design plans, Council / Territorial Authority plans, quotes, consent/permits, etc.

You must download the Evidence Guide for your trade to see what your assessor will assess you against. Complete the checklist to show all compulsory evidence is included, then record what evidence documents you are supplying against the competencies listed in the table. This will ensure your portfolio covers all the required competencies, and your application can be processed quickly. You must upload the completed guide with your evidence.


  • A certified copy is a photocopy of your original document that has been verified by a person authorised to make such declarations, for example, a Justice of the Peace, barrister or solicitor, notary public, court registrar or deputy registrar, or a Member of Parliament.
  • High school transcripts are not required.
  • Any evidence submitted must be in English.
  • Accepted file types for evidence are: PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG.


NZ$1,173 (including GST) per application per trade.
(non-refundable regardless of outcome)

Making Payments

Currently, we are only accepting payment by credit card. Please note, you may request an invoice for your records. No further payment would be required on this invoice.

Ready to register?

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