Ben Stevens

Director Specialist Trades

In his role as Director Specialist Trades, Ben leads Skills Group’s Etco, E-tec and ICE brands.

Ben’s global background and facility with languages led him to hold numerous early-career roles in Northern Europe with large Nasdaq-listed organisations as an auditor. Upon his return to New Zealand in 2012, Ben leveraged his international experience to work as a director for PwC and CFO at payments equipment supplier Smartpay. His experience also includes a global role as COO of a large Auckland-based organisation.

Simultaneously to his senior roles in Auckland, Ben also launched his own strategic risk consulting firm, Risk Dynamics, and founded a software platform called FlipView.
The breadth and depth of Ben’s career in operations, auditing and risk has given him an ability to look at business processes at a high strategic level, but also a good understanding of best practice internally.